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"In the begining...actually in 2008, I learn painting from Elena Cohen, which suggested I visit Gina Gallery. That was the trigger. I started locating and collecting naive artists in the facebook group 'Naive Art in Israel'.  This site and the group activity is the result."


                            Adi Lev, ILNART




Adi Lev

Adi  is a naive symbolism  painter,  see:

He is computer engineer, editor and critic writer of the Hebrew art site In his painting reappears motif of relationship between pairs: man and women, father and his daughter, child and his music instrument, using symbol of heart alike and colors to show cross feeling betweens couples. In his painting he mix naive painting with symbolism full of sensensual feeling, like red yellow sun, snake on a tree, mysterious shrew and card symbols with hidden hearts.  Contact:


Noemi Eshet Rozensweig, see:

Noemi  is an Architect, Curator & Figurative Painter. 

Noemi was the force behinde the first inernational naive festival in Jerusalem, 2012, She continue bringing naive artists abroad to worldwide exhibitions, including BCM art gallery, Barcelona and Katowice Art Naif International Festival and curator of art exhibitions in Israel. Contact:

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